Spectrophotometer ColorFlex EZ Tomato
ColorFlex EZTomato Spectrophotometer este special proiectat sa masoare culoarea tomatelor in orice forma: - paste/purée, sauce, catsup, juice, as well as fresh tomatoes.
Tomato color scales provided in firmware include:
- Tomato Paste Score (TPS)
- Tomato Sauce
- Score (TSS)
- Tomato Catsup Score (TCS)
- Tomato Juice Score (TJS)
- A/B ratio
- Fresh Tomato Color Index (FTCI)
New to this version:
Lycopene Index and other important color scales, including Hunter L,a,b color and CIE L*a*b* color, are also provided within the firmware, allowing for the capability to also use your ColorFlex EZ Tomato to measure the reflected color of a wide range of non-tomato samples - liquids, semisolids, powders, and solids. Inside its optional, custom designed, watertight carrying case will be everything you will need to immediately start measuring tomato color values...
- ColorFlex EZ Tomato instrument
- Complete set of calibration & diagnostic tiles
- HunterLab Tomato Tile
- 2 glass sample cups
- Port insert for sample cup
- Sample cup opaque cover
... all backed up by the finest customer support in the industry and USDA approved.
Color, an important measurement parameter in tomato products, is closely related to quality and taste. In fact, the US Dept. of Agriculture has well defined indices that are used to grade processed tomato products around the world. HunterLab was the first company to receive USDA approval for the instrumental evaluation of tomato color. In fact, it is a HunterLab instrument that is used by the University of California-Davis to evaluate all tomato color measurement standards and as the reference against which all other instruments are measured. Our many valued customers include Heinz, Cargill, ConAgra Foods, Campbell's, Pacific Coast Producers, Kagome, Ingomar Packing and Del Monte.